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Quit and Stay

You know we’re in a ‘Seller’s Market’ when more and more employers are making counter offers to keep employees from quitting. But what happens if you stay and the next day face your co-workers who did not get a raise, new title, or new assignment? The subhead of a recent WSJ article says it all, “Returning to Work with Bosses and Colleagues You Nearly Abandoned Can Be a Minefield.” It can be a knee-jerk reaction for an employer to promise whatever it takes to keep an employee. But will they later turn around and fire you? The experts agree it can take a while to rebuild trust. According to a WorldatWork survey the odds are 31% higher that things will get better. Never forget whether you quit or stay it is a new slate and a new beginning. You need to convince your supervisor, co-workers and management that you are committed to the company’s goals, have their backs, and are positive about being there. But … you have to do that regardless if you take a new job or not.

Susan Phillips, CEO SelectLeaders
March 25, 2015

About the SelectLeaders Job Barometer

The SelectLeaders Job Barometer, published since 2006, is the foremost survey of employment opportunities, trends, and hiring practices in the commercial real estate industry.

About the SelectLeaders Real Estate Job Network

SelectLeaders powers the Career Centers for 9 premier real estate industry Associations (whose members control or direct 90% of commercial real estate). Jobs are from all sectors and all levels with 29% paying over $100,000. SelectLeaders Job Network offers unequalled access to the Real Estate community. To learn more visit selectleaders.com or visit our Job Network Career Centers: BOMA, CCIM, CREFC, GlobeST.com, NAIOP, NAREIM, NAREIT, NMHC, PREA, Project REAP, ULI, NRHC

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